;D Part 3 already? As it stands, it is as though I have just returned from this trip. There was a lot of "as usual" but like those voices warned... Voices in the head are a double edged sword. Too late to listen, and I was in it up to my belly button by now... Lets see... AHH yes. Driving down a sandy road...
The sandy road was angled more or less east/west. If you are familiar with the Hauser location, there is a ridge of tiny mountains that more or less run east to west, and primarily to the south of the road to the Hauser beds. My dead reckoning told me we were to the south of that ridge. That ridge, if you follow it hooks south, that range ends, and further west, another begins.
Wiley Well road becomes Milipitas right after the Hauser bed turn-off. Milipitas cuts through the mountains to a sandy flat, and if you check a Sat. map, Milipitas continues to somewhere in Columbia or Brazil.
Looking at the map, WE took that first right. THAT is the long sandy road I was daring to try and sink us.
IF you take a family sedan and manage to get this far back into the desert, note the homesteading that has taken place! With a family sedan, there is a chance you will join those who call this wonderful yet God forsaken area home. The subaru would be the least "sedan" for the area. But it was doing a pretty darn good job, and the the average speed was really putting some distance to the odometer.
The long straight gets to a point where it tacks W by NW and angles right, right back into the mountains. I had said something about the mine being in a crotch well within some hills/mountains, so the gang was getting excited, as the GPS units were indicating the mine was just a little bit further, SOMEWHERE in the mountains ahead. I had already resigned myself that I wasn't going to be rolling in buckets of Fire Agate ripped from the rock with tools and teeth, and there was a good chance we wouldn't even see the mine. But GPS had convinced others that we would see the promised land. I could have played the three with BETS and I would STILL have them waiting on me hand and foot, prodding or reminding them about "The BET" if there were complaints, but I am not a TRUE s.o.b. at heart, and the desert has a way of tickling me with it's complete lack of, well, PEOPLE!
More specifically, people in cars designing traffic jams, people who conspire to make me wait in long lines at every store I go into, you know, people in what I believe they call "population centers" The desert works hard to keep people at the fringe. Blythe, with it's stubborn and hardy lot of pioneering types, have been chewing away at the desert, getting further and further away from the Colorado river. Pumping water for miles, they have actually turned a valley to the east of Wiley's Well into a massive little farm community.
::)I digress! I am heading bit by bit towards the elusive "Opal Hill Mine"... (I can't WAIT!) Over some hills, and sure enough, we are going north now, GPS ANNOUNCES (I swear I heard it trying to stifle a laugh) "You have reached your destination."
Dead silence. I am smiling. Everyone is looking around, as though some crusty bandy-legged prospecter is going to bounce out of a creosote bush and sounding like "Festus" from "Gunsmoke"...
Prospecter: "Why HOWDY folks! Welcome to the OPAL HILL MINE! Glad you could make it! HEEHEE! Gonna try yer hand at some real mining t'day???"
But Festus didn't appear, nor Ms. Kitty, or Marshall Dillon. NOBODY and of course NO MINE!
The girls are checking and re-checking the coordinates, and now THEY are pissed that the BOOK HAS ERRONEOUS INFORMATION! They wonder if maybe just a bit further... I drive on. NOW! I am not blind with rage, I am not snooty with the "I TOLD YA SO" I have been distracted. I am realizing the unmistakeable evidence of digs! Wherever we are, people have dug here. and they have dug more than just test holes. It is quite apparent that this is/was/will be a productive site. Probably geodes, (DUH!) never-the-less! We have found a close second to Fire Agates, so the day won't be a total loss.
We get onto a parking lot, (desert pavement) and we all get out of the car. We start to do some preliminary poking, but knowing we are on the south side of the more well known Hauser area, I want to get my bearings, and check the roads. One veers off left and up a doable hill. The other branches north and immediately goes into some rutted washed out spots that alternate with nice well worn typical desert dirt road. My THINKING is: If we can drive through to the Hauser Bed Proper, we can utilize THAT road back to Wiley Well road and VIOLA' Opal Hill it that afternoon.
There I go THINKING again.
Ahh! freeking MEAT bees. DO NOT pull out a sandwich, or ANY food in these mountains.
bzzZZZZzzz... ZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZ
The daughter was bitten on the Hyundai trip when she refused to turn over her PBJ samwich to a meat bee.
BIL and I head up the east fork, the girls have BIG GAME ROCK to hunt. The geodic scent is intoxicating, but for the girls, they are in FULL PREDATOR MODE, God help you if you get in thier way. It is unique to watch.
BzzzZZzzzzzZZzzz BzzzzZZzzzZZzzz
I wave my hat. First warning.
From the hill BIL gets a good vantage for watching the girls, and, as the road becomes a cliff at the top, or forks right to head into a dubious and less traveled trail, watching the girls becomes the reason we hiked up there for after all.
The girls swoon, as one has found a young geode, abandoned by its mother.The girls are moving about in some instinctive technique only they know, thier eyes glued to the ground, and they communicate with curious squeals and calls of "luuke. Luuuke at thissss."
Due to the quart of energy drink I have guzzled, the very ground seemed to undulate, I was sure that geodes were digging themselves deeper to escape capture.
The wife now "postures" she will be oblivious to everything!
"Postures" is a stance that causes rocks to reveal themselves, mesmerised by fear. The stance is, in effect, a half person. Legs and butt. Not unattractive in the least, and if you circle, you see where the other half went. My wife can actually touch the ground, hands flat, without bending her knees. She takes advantage of this skill, and the reason becomes obvious. It leaves her 6-8 pockets (combat pants) loose enough to maximize thier capacity! in less than a half an hour, the pockets will bulge at approx 20 pounds.
If she cannot tear away from the rock hunt then within an hour she will have stuffed 30 pounds of rocks into her pockets, and you will have to haLARious fortune to watch her as she attempts to get back to the car. With the determination and stubborness of a pure Irish will, she waddles towards the vehicle, spray bottle abandoned (unnecessary weight) arms loaded with rock her pockets cannot hold. The rocks in her pockets are WILD and they want to escape! They begin to work her pants down. To prevent their escape, she has resorted to using her top as a carry all.
Here is the total picture of her past EXTREME, to which I swear, have VIDEO, AND have a witness to, and it happened not once but TWICE!
A shillouette in the distance. Bowlegged, with legs that are HUGE. It waddles, either with injury, or handicap, a caracature of a gunslinger, bowleggedly strutting into town. The figure stops, then continues, closer, closer, it's... HUNNY BUNNY!
Me: " What... the... fuuuuuzzzz? (or something like that)
The wife has poured her armloads of rock (arm LOAD doesn't capture the scale) into her top to free a hand, to hold her pants, that have worked a third of her butt out of the way and threaten to take the hill and win the battle. The pockets have seams that you almost hear SCREAMING in agony, and one more rock in ANY of her MANY pockets will cause an unstoppable ripping. Her pants are the best made, but they have their limits, and the wife feels obliged to test those limits.
ANOTHER problem! Deserts are hot, skimpy tank tops become the top of choice to keep the heat tolerable. Skimpy tank tops rate just above wet paper bags in a rainstorm for rock transport. Rocks will test every and ANY weak spot to effect an escape.
Her tank top is now stretched and to the point where rocks might fall through the very weave of the fabric. On a more erotic note, her boobs are exposed, but one tends to overlook THAT point as the complete picture boggles the mind. I think to myself, "Had the SOUTH showed THAT kind of determination during the civil war, GRANT would have been the loser!"
She gets close enough to the vehicle, and lets go of her top and a cascade of stone seems to take several seconds to pour to the ground. a small bit of relief dapples her pained expression, but by now I am freaking out trying not to laugh.
Sis is already there. Where the whole thing is comical PERIOD to me, sister is laughing but she also beams with pride that one of the hounds has brought back every last GRAIN AND GRIT from her hunt, and better still, there is VIDEO PROOF! Video with no sound, but it is video GOLD to rockhounds and hunters alike.
Oh yes. So we amble back down and sis is in some very promising digs. I can see that we might just end up blowing out the day here. Still, one more road to check. The rest of the hounds are busy, I head up the north fork.
I light a cigarette to back the bee off, he backs up, I keep walking. At 50-75 yards and four rutted areas where it would be necessary to do some "leveling" with loose rock, I reach a conclusion that the road is for high clearance, fat tire'd, four wheel low equipped trucks and jeeps. I also found what a violent runoff had exposed.
BzzzzZZZZzzz BzzzZZZZZZz BzzzzzZZZ
The possible motherlode seemed to be close to a bee hive. NO THANKS! I hiked back, and I was shaking my head, realizing why I had that "feeling" the night prior. Hopefully,
BzzzZZzz BZZZzzzZZZzz
HOPEFULLY, I would score some blue agate geode, along with some that were bladed with angel wings!
JEEZE LOWEEZE! I was getting close to the car, and the bees were sure taking an interest in the new neighbors!
I met up with the wife in the gulch by the car, she was excited about the location, but she to was getting annoyed at the 10 or twelve persistant bees. Beyond the car on the hillside, sis and hubby were busy, BZZZzzZZZZzzzZZZZ BZZzZZzZZZzZZzZZ!
BUSY and working the digs.
As I stroll up to the lot, I notice about thirty bees in the air. I decide to close up the car's two doors and hatch back, and as I get closer, (excuse my french please) "OH SHIT!" The back of the car has become the latest BEE SPOT! and there were about 200 bees socially exploring our car while we explored their yard!
When hundreds of bees begin to punk you and take your car in the middle of frickin nowhere, you begin to worry. You can't just wish them away, but you do NOT go and provoke them either. If they are africanized, you are going to get stung, and really bad. Regular honey bees can be reasoned with, but if anyone is allergic, THEY better start walking and quick.
Me: "We HAVE to get them out of the car; they want whats in the back, but what? Did we leave jam from the sandwiches out?"
sis: "No..."
I take my trusty water bottle and begin to lightly spritz water in an arc 10 feet to the car. (maybe it will back them a bit) a number of drops land on the outside of the car on the brake lens, and like a bee magnet the bees hit each drop 2-3 bees each until all the drops were covered.
(Please note the words will be changed to keep the PG rating, and preserve taste in this thread. The actual language with respect to exclamations was QUITE salty, and perhaps approached the language of trapped demons from Hades. At the exclamation points, it shouldn't be too hard to recognize the much more raw and colorfully created swearing that evolved, from the playful subsitutes)
Me "FROSTY STICKS! Did you see that? DON'T SPRAY WATER! DON'T SPRAY THE BEES! Everybody come here..."
We would each start towards the car, then back away, but the others were doing the first big no-no with bees, do NOT swat at them, it will cause them to get defensive, and then all bets are off! I was aware I would need to direct this scenario because I have the most knowledge of their behavior. I had no man to bee hanging with the bee keepers experience, and I wasn't a self taught bee whisperer, but I had done extensive reading in case africanized bees came around our neighborhood, after seeing several news stories about attacks.
Me: "We need to get the stuff out of the car and move it. We'll have to get in and pull whatever they are after. BUT! If they sting or you hear the buzzing suddenly raise walk, WALK AWAY QUICKLY. Do NOT breathe from your mouth! Bees home in on CO2
so if you run, huffing and puffing, they follow you, CO2 also agitates them! SHAVING! these frolikers are in the energy drinks too!"
Every organization needs men of action. I figgered we would be here for awhile, we would each take hits in the form of stings, but if we used a bit of stratagy, devised a multi point plan to start taking back real estate, we might keep our injuries to a minimum, and maybe salvage SOME part of the day...
Me: "We need SMOKE, not just cigarettes, we need a lot. Smoke will back the biggest part of these bees back."
It was right about here that it began to unravel. By unravel I mean heroes were born in all of us in large and small ways, but I'll be DARNED if how we took on the bees could have looked anything but COMICAL in what took place next!
BIL was the biggest hero, in that whether he found it thrilling, or he just said "FUDGESICLES IT!!!" he began to go in and pull whatever he could grab out of the car and set it 10 or so yards away. The open energy drinks got tossed from the front of the car, and the wife was wading back in to grab something else. I was about to grab my share when I saw something terrifying, the bees were beggining to swarm around my wife.
ME; "Honey, (Yeah bad choice of words) walk away from the car, they are swarming your jacket, be calm, don't breathe out of your mouth. The bees of the desert could smell water through a sealed glass container, the wife was sweating, making her jacket a wonderful green water station. Her jacket, by now, was on the ground, and I worried they would land on her. She takes excellent care of her skin, and sweat has no problem beading on her.
Everyone is starting to make those swatting motions again, but I am transfixed by BIL who appears to be doing a tiptoe sneak up to the car. He grabs another bucket and runs with it. Funny as heck and effective at the same time.
Me: DON'T SWAT! Take your hat and just slowly wave it. We're going to have to move the car!
Sis: " I'll move the car"
There are now about a thousand bees, a few hundred in the air, small swarms around each item taken out of the car, and about a hundred still hovering in the back.
Me: "WhoEVER drives, leave the back open. Get a good run down the road to blow the bees out, then stop and close it up. We'll regroup and try to get the stuff back in the car."
Sis: "I will drive it!"
She gets in the car starts it and manages to turn around. I find a branch, and I figure it's perfect for making a torch and enough smoke to back the bees away. I look up and HERE COMES SISTER DRIVING BACK! OH shingles!
Sis: "I have to turn around!"
She turns the car around, the bees seem to realize the car is back, and an obvious swarm moves over th hatchback. As it rolls on down the road, BIL and the wife chasing after it, I get busy finding dead brush to make a smoke torch, knowing I have to add a bit of green too, to generate more smoke. I start to angle down the road, HERE COMES SISTER AGAIN! I wave my arms, and stick, losing my collected brush. She turns and drives away again, BIL and the wife are passed, they turn to follow. I try to gather more brush. Sis turned around again, started to head back and I was losing it. (turns out she was just trying to blow the bees out, but having no luck.) I gave up, and got to collecting brush. I wanted to drive the largest amount of bees off with smoke. As far as I knew, nobody was stung yet. I headed towards the car. It was now closed up with sis and the hubby walking towards the lot.
Me: "Help me get some brush for a torch."
I am walking around the car. I look inside, and there is the wife inside. She pops the door quickly and shoves some paper at me.
AWESOME. Looking back in the car I am perplexed.
Me: "Are the bees out of the car???"
Sis: "NO! Shes smoking them out."
What...the... Inside the car the wife has TWO of her clove cigarettes lit, and she is puffing her gills silly! She is almost obscured by thick smoke. "Good grief" I think and I now have a halfway decent wad to burn on the branch.
HERE COMES BIL! He has a bucket! He is followed by bees who want to talk to him. He doesn't give them a chance. He opens the hatch, waves the worst of the bees, and drops the bucket inside. I can't get the wad lit. Dry brush, paper, middle of one of the driest deserts in the state, and I can't light a fire. I have sis wave the bees off while I kneel and try to light it. Every time I light the lighter it blows out. I feel a wind on my back.
Me: "HEY! just wave them off! Your blowing out my FLAME!"
Sis: "OH! Sorry"
IT LIGHTS! NOW... Two things happened. First, I realized I need to have the torch where, OH here comes the BIL with another bucket! I need to be smoking off the bees up where all the provisions are, a tenth of a mile back up the road.
SECOND, the torch really starts to burn, and then SMOKE! and then a breeze lifts the burningwad gently out of the branch, drops it down where it threatens to roll off and light the desert up. GREEEEAAAAATTTTT!
I give up. The BIL has the right IDEA, just grab, run, dump in the car and do it again. Sis and I head back up. Looking around I mention we can't leave wifey's jacket, sis picks it up and starts WAILING it on the ground, WAP, WAP, WAP, then she turns and bails out. There are still HUNDREDS of bees. I turn and the pile of energy drink cans are CARPETED with bees. THEY ARE REALLY excited about that stuff.
I grab and run, while thinking TERRIFIC! Bees hopped up with caffine. FREEKING SPEED BEES! Ah jeeze, I need a drink.
We gathered our stuff and one at a time we joined my green wife, who explained she had lit two MORE cigarettes. She said the bees were so choked out that when she would open the window, or we opened the hatch, those bees were happy to get out, and they wasted NO time. The bees who were smoked out got really lethargic, but when clean air hit them they followed it out of the bee hell they were stuck in. FINE. We had everything back, no bees, no stings, and we wasted no time getting our fannies out of there, escorted by ten or so hardcore bees outside the car. I knew they were taunting us in bee speak, but SEE ya!
We flew on out rally style wondering WHAT ELSE could go wrong?
OOOHH... bad question...
Answered in part 4!