Over 90 years old and only 10 inches in diameter. It got out competed by adjacent oaks for some reason.
Adjacent oaks over 30 inches in diameter and twice as tall. They stole all the sun and nutrients from this poor tree.
However, slow growth makes dense oil/sap rich wood that will turn the wood stove cherry red.
Full of knots from bottom to top, due to pesky limbs formed in desperation to suck up sun light.
Evidenced by the jagged concentricity.
Slow grown wood is stunning, a common variety of red oak. May look it up to attempt taxonomy using leaves.
Many varieties of red oaks in Georgia, differentiation tricky at times.
Many are only found in small area, many native to only one of 168 counties in Georgia.
They pump out the acorns and keep the deer/rodents fed over the winter.
Very few varieties of white oaks(the other family). They have the tastiest acorns according to the deer. I asked them.
Shoulda waited till it petrified.
Visitors go rock hunting in the chips in the drive way from breaking tumbles, especially kids and