Post by Tweetiepy on Jul 6, 2006 14:49:12 GMT -5
I was watching a Dairy Queen commercial yesterday and my husband & kids all think I'm nuts for finding this funny. Those commercials are the best: the guy is trying to put his suitcase away and some guy is eating his blizzard. He tells the guy to stop & drops the suitcase on the woman, then tries to put it back as he sees the guy wolfing down his blizzard again and as the suitcase opens & falls, the woman is mad at him and the guy takes this opportunity to eat even more of his blizzard.
Same guy eating a "hot" burger from DQ and he blows fire everywhere as he's trying to extinguish the flames with his breath!
Which commercial makes you howl with laughter?
PS I also like the business depot christmas commercial where the drill, tennis racket & dog are wrapped up - I haven't seen it in about 5 years but when I think of that one I still laugh! Please don,t put that straightjacket on me!
Post by krazydiamond on Jul 6, 2006 15:03:04 GMT -5
i don't remember what brand of truck they are selling, but it has this little animated crab trying to intimidate the truck by repeating "I peench", until the truck implies it has enough cargo space to carry a grill, butter and pots, etc. etc. til the little crab backs off.
the guy stealing the DQ blizzard on the plane is hysterical.
i like the Fed Ex Caveman one, too, where the guy ends up getting stomped on after kicking the little dino.
Post by docone31 on Jul 6, 2006 15:11:02 GMT -5
I like the Geico commercial with the Neanderthols. They remind me of people from the Left Coast. My wife's family are poster children for the Kalifornia Fruit and Nuts. Sometimes it drives me nuts.
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Post by rollingstone on Jul 6, 2006 16:21:19 GMT -5
Post by parfive on Jul 6, 2006 16:44:49 GMT -5
They have funny commercials in the US? Must be on cable.
Post by hermatite on Jul 6, 2006 17:29:28 GMT -5
I admit I'm weak for the dairy queen "I've learned to speak BEE!" commerial.
Post by Tweetiepy on Jul 7, 2006 6:08:20 GMT -5
Don that second commercial for the brownie mixer had parts removed here - mainly the longue in the mixer part - I saw the complete one once and then it was only a partial commercial after that
I think DQ has the funniest commercials - the one with the dead cat "Muffin/Mocha" was funny too!
Post by LCARS on Jul 7, 2006 10:40:54 GMT -5
Ditto on the DQ commercials Tweets!  Both of those were frickin hilarious! ;D
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Post by stefan on Jul 7, 2006 11:48:44 GMT -5
DQ is good- But I think the best of all time is that one with the cockroach crawling along the TV screen (see how good it was- I can't even remeber what it was for) First time I saw that roach I almost smashed my TV trying to kill that little bugger!
Post by deb193 on Jul 7, 2006 13:39:12 GMT -5
I laugh every time I see the FedEx caveman commercial. The sequence where the "package" gets eaten is such at typical c#*& happens kind of thing, and then they guy's boss blames him for not using FedEx even though it is not invented yet (such a classic stereotype of the unreasonable boss), and then the sequence with the kicking and stomping at the end - well it just is all so typical and so true to life, and the timing and pacing is top notch. It makes me laugh every time. www.collegehumor.com/movies/1659869/
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Post by beechcomber on Jul 7, 2006 13:50:36 GMT -5
my fav. is the "What's in your wallet?" (credit card) where a guy calls and is huge and says "I'm coming after you" and David Spade sees him coming off the elevator while a co-worker is stretching and David says something like "ewwee I'm scared in my big yellow shirt." Hard to explain but I'm sure those that have seen it know what I'm talking about.
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Post by 181lizard on Jul 7, 2006 15:50:58 GMT -5
I think the roach commercial was for Orkin. Yea...I was throwin things at the TV for a few days. Yuck! One of my favs...I can't remember what they're advertising, but 2 guys are in a locker room talkin when one throws something at the other guy & practically knocks him out. Another good round of commercials are the new Miller beer ones where sports people & others are sitting round a table talking. They wax philosophical about the craziest stuff & make new rules about things as they're talking. Very funny!
Post by akansan on Jul 7, 2006 16:44:25 GMT -5
Is it the Sprint commercial for the cell phone with "theft prevention" that you're talking about, Liz? I love that commercial!
Post by Cher on Jul 7, 2006 19:46:30 GMT -5
I really like the DQ flamethrower one too but one of my favorites is the Windex commercial where the birds ring the bell then shut the patio door and the guy walks into it.
Post by docone31 on Jul 7, 2006 20:30:24 GMT -5
I remember the Timex commercial back in the early '60's where they attached the timex to the lower unit of an outboard and fired it up. It was a live commercial and the commentator was talking up a storm. They shut down the outboard, raised the lower unit, and No Watch! They fished in the barrel and the outboard had eaten the watch. It came out in pieces. That was a classic.
Post by BAZ on Jul 7, 2006 22:52:44 GMT -5
Advertising 101, day one...
Any commercial with a talking and/or driving dog or a man getting hit in the gonads with a flying object will be successful.
Class dismissed.
Post by BAZ on Jul 7, 2006 22:55:10 GMT -5
With that, my favorite commercial was the one where the fella's dog was driving them through the country and spotted some ducks. The dog veered hard left towards the pond as the man was shouting, "No ducks!"
Who knows what they were selling, my wife used to just sit there and watch me laugh my butt off when it came on.
Post by rockyraccoon on Jul 8, 2006 7:06:56 GMT -5
i like the one where the man puts something he wants a new one of - maybe a lawnmower (i can't remember) - behind his wife's vehicle and she backs over it and is so apologetic and he says something like oh well guess i'll have to go to home depot and get another one. great tactic lol.
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Post by dtcmor on Jul 8, 2006 18:02:47 GMT -5
I definitely love the DQ Flamethrower - reminds me of something that could happen to me  . I can't remember which company it is, but I also like the one where the guy is on the subway trying to access his account over the phone. He has to say all of the passwords and phrases only to move to the next segment and have do it again. He is embarrassed by his password "BIG - BOY" and repeats it two or three times trying to keep everyone from hearing him. After what seems like a half-hour he gets cut off when the train hits the tunnel just as he finally got through to someone about his question. This commercial reminds me of the wife on the phone when she tries to access an account and gets put on hold. While she tries to get through, I keep saying the phrase -"BIG - BOY" over and over until she is laughing so hard she can't ask the question when someone finally does answer.
Post by BAZ on Jul 8, 2006 18:06:56 GMT -5
Ha ha! "Fluffy"... "big boy... BIG BOY!" 