Has anyone said what species of petrified wood is found in your area?
The short answer is they can be most anything, whatever the glaciers took out of the many layers and deposited in the alluvial gravels.
I have looked into this, as I find woods that have very large rings and others that are very small as well as the occasional burl. As we are about 60 miles from Yellowstone park, I have been able to find info from studies done there, it is an amazing amount, due to the long volcanic history of this area.
The Eocene to Oligocene deposits containing the fossil forests consist mainly of multiple layers This series of volcanic tree-containing deposits rests on various surfaces, although most often they overlie Cambrian or Mississippian beds. Yellowstone area petrified forests are unusual because of the many levels stacked one upon another. The greatest sequence of superimposed fossil forest levels is located in the Specimen Creek area where 65 or more levels can be counted The wide range of species is explained by a wide range of elevations in the prehistoric mountain range provided. Following the eruptions, the cool climate species were transported down the mountains and came to rest near the warm climate species.
A partial list:
Abies............................ fir
Juglans ........................ walnut
Acacia ......................... acacia
Larix ............................. larch
Acer ............................. maple
Laurus .......................... laurel
Aralia ........................... spikenard
Magnolia ..................... magnolia
Arctostaphylos......... bearberry
Myrica...................... bayberry
Artocarpus................... breadfruit
Pandanus .................... screw pine
Betula ........................... birch
Persea .......................... bay
Carya ........................... hickory
Pinus ............................ pine
Castanea....................... chestnut
Platanus ...................... sycamore
Castanopsis ................. chinquapin
Quercus ...................... oak
Cercidiphyllum ............. katsura
Rhamnus ...................... buckthorn
Cinnamomum.................. cinnamon
Salix ............................... willow
Cornus ........................... dogwood
Sapindus ...................... soap berry
Corylus ........................... birch
Sequoia ......................... redwood
Cycad .......................sago palm
Sparganium .................bur-reed
Euonymus ....................... staff tree
Thuja .............................. cedar
Tilia ................................. linden
Ficus ................................ fig
Ulmus ............................. elm
Fraxinus ........................... olive family
Viburnum......................... arrowwood
Horsetails ..........(several species)
Vitis ................................. grape
Hydrangea ....................... syringa