The myths & science are perhaps starting to converge
Perhaps modern’s scientific insights on how the world came to be
is starting to release many of the coded insights of myths?
Watery chaos myth
Land Diver myths?
Dying & rising tree god myths
Venus myths
Not coded like secret esoteric - but a forced coding.
Ancient language was rudimentary, and the ways to convey these ideas were limited.
In order for their ideas to be carried forth the language had to be less than prose.
Nonetheless early man was trying to convey historical natural events.
Catastrophes! When everything hunky dory-- why bother?
Take the first few lines of Genesis.
Was this a coded a message from eons before?
From the time of the Toba eruption?
Thousands of years in the past?
That eruption blocked out the sun.
Decades of dark, famine, and strife
were on the face of the earth.
So as that cloud dispersed over the years
the sun once again came out.
Let There Be Light!
And it was good
Perhaps Genesis is an echo- in prose/poetry- of that distant past? ,
When the sun once again shone -it must of seem like creation...mohs