Does the heat treating work on any agate to enhance color. I have a few disdero I was thinking to give it a shot on and see if I could get the same results. Two to four inches under the sand sounds like something I'm going to try when the ground thaws The corals you heat surprise me on how much change can take place.Thanks for the link with the agate pics, so red and green is uncommon until heated in these agates.
Why i was asking is I have a Oregon carnellian that had crossed my mind if it was heated or not. The color is already extreme and it made me wonder.
Thank you.
Watched a few vids on heat treating and found this one on melting obsidian. I could see you coming up with something home made like this.
Some dope on heat treating spirit few materials
Rock Description/Name (Alphabetical) Preform Thickness Max. Temp. Special Instructions/Comments
Agatized palm wood, translucent (Texas) Slab <.25" 450-500 Beautiful!
Alibates Flint, various colors (Texas) Biface <1" 500
Allendale (Briar Creek) Agate (S. Carolina) Biface <.5" 500 Gets red highlites with heating
Amethyst agate, purple w/dendrites (Nevada) Slab <.25" 350-450 Incredible!
Arizona petrified wood Slab <.25" 500
Battle Mountain Jasper, white to tan (Nevada) Slab <.5" 500-600
Battle Mountain Jasper, white to purple (Nevada) Spalls <1" 550-650
Biggs Jasper, dark brown, smooth (Oregon) Biface <1.25" 450 Nice gloss
Biggs Jasper, with pattern (Oregon) Slab <.8" 550
Biggs Jasper, massive gray/brown (Oregon) Slab <.8" 600
Blackskin Agate (India) Slab <.25" 550
Bloodstone, green and red (India) Slab <.3" 550
Boone Chert, gray (Missouri) Spall/biface <.25" 550
Brandon Flint (England) Slab or spall <.4" 500 Thicker pieces will potlid
Brazilian agate, red to white Slab <.4" 600-650
Brazilian agate, white to brown Slab <.4" 500
Brazos River Flint Cobble (Texas) Slab or biface <2" 600
Bruneau Jasper (Idaho) Slab or end <.5" 600-700
Buffalo River Chert, tan (Tennessee) Spall <2" 600
Burlington Chert (Illinois) Bifaces 575-650 Hold max temperature for 72 hours
Burro Creek Jasp-Agate, purple (Arizona) Slab <.25" 550
Butterscotch Flint (Georgia Coastal Plain) Slabs < 0.5" 450-500 a.k.a. Flint River
Carnelian Agate (Oregon) Thick pieces 500
Carnelian Agate (Oregon) Slab <.25" 575 Red color increases with hold time
Chert, tan (Kentucky) Biface <1.5" 600
Cobden Flint (Illinois) Thin spall 500
Devine Terrace Flint, chocolate color (Texas) Biface <1" 350-450 Long drying time, gloss
Devine Terrace Flint, tan (Texas) Spall <.8" 400-450 Long drying time, satin finish
Flint Ridge Chalcedony, gray (Ohio) Biface <1.5" 550
Flint Ridge Chalcedony, gray (Ohio) Slab <.25" 650
Flint Ridge Chert (Ohio) Slab or biface <1" 600
Flint Ridge Chert, orange, (Ohio) Slab <.3" 650
Florida Agatized Coral Slab <1" 650
Fort Hood Flint, tan (Texas) Slab or biface <2" 600
Fort Hood Flint, gray (Texas) Biface <2" 500
Fort Payne Chert, brown to tan (Tennessee) Biface <1.5" 600
Georgetown Flint, gray, grainy (Texas) Biface <1" 400
Hornstone, Indiana or Kentucky Spalls and bifaces N/A No heating needed
Idaho Picture Jasper Slab <.4" 650
Imperial Jasper, red or green (Mexico) Slab <.3" 500-700
Imperial Jasper (Mexico nodular form) Slab <.3" 650
India Blackskin Agate Slab <.25" 550
India Fancy Jasper, red (India) Slab <.3" 500
India Fancy Jasper, pink and green (India) Slab <.3" 550
Jasper, mottled brown Slab <.6" 500 Long hold times produce color change to red
Jasper, black Slab or spall >.5" 500
Jasper, dark chocolate brown Slab <1" 500
Jasper, banded purple and gray Slab <.4" 600
Jasper, red Slab <.5" 400-500
Jasper, striped brown and red Slab <.6" 400-500
Kaolin, brown to red, somewhat grainy (Illinois) Slab <.5" 550-630 Color intensified with heating
Kaolin, brown to white, smooth (Illinois) Slab <.3" 600 Color change when heated
Knife River Flint (N. Dakota) Slab <.3" 500
Knife River Flint (ND) Slab or spall >.3" 400
Knife River Flint (ND) Chunks 350 CAREFUL! Potlids easily!
Kornthal Chert, gray to orange (Illinois) Biface <1" 600
Llano River Flint, red and brown (Texas) Bifaces to 1.5" 350-400 48 hr drying time
Llano River Flint, pale tan (Texas) Bifaces to 1.5" 500 48 hr drying time
Maury Mtn. Jasper (Oregon) Slab <.5" 500
Maury Mtn. Jasper (Oregon) Slab or spall >.5" 400
McKittrick Chert, fine-grained (California) Tabs <1" 450-600
McKittrick Chert, coarse-grained (California) Tabs <1" 600
Mill Creek Chert, dappled (Illinois) Biface <1.3" 600 Works like Burlington when cooked
Moline Chert, pink to gray (Iowa) Spalls <0.6" 650 Somewhat silty
Montana agate, clear with pattern Slab <.25" 500
Montana agate, translucent Slab <.25" 450
Montana agate Slab or spall >.25" 400
Mookite (Australia) Slab <.3" 550
Moss Agate, red to clear (Mexico) Slab <.3" 380
Mozarkite (colorful Missouri chert) Slab or spall <.5" 650
Novaculite, various colors (Arkansas) Spalls <2" 850
Nueces River Flint, brown (Texas) Biface <1" 400-450 48 hr drying time
Nueces River Flint, red and tan (Texas) Biface <1" 400-500 48 hr drying time
Nueces River Flint, white, gray, or pink (Texas) Spalls and bifaces to 1.5" 550-700 48 hr drying time
Opal, all varieties Spalls or slabs N/A No heating needed
Owyhee Jasper, red to green to tan (Oregon) Bifaces <1" 600
Paiute Agate, white (Oregon) Slab <.6" 600
Paiute Agate, translucent (Oregon) Slab <.6" 500
Pedernales Flint, smooth (Texas) Biface and tabular >1" 420
Pedernales Flint, grainy (Texas) Biface and spalls <1" 500
Petrified (agatized) wood (Washington) Slab <.25" 400 Brown, translucent
Petrified (agatized) wood (Grass Valley, Oregon) Slab <.25" 450 Brown with clear agate
Petrified (agatized) wood (Washington) Slab <.25" 550 Somewhat opaque
Petrified palm wood, opaque (Texas) Slab <.25" 550-600 Nice gloss at 600
Pierson Chert, red to green (Missouri) Slab or spall <.5" 450
Plume agate, orange (Oregon) Slab <.25" 500
Polka dot jasper (Oregon) Slab <.3" 550
Rainey Buttes Limonite (N. Dakota) Spalls N/A No heating needed
San Angelo Flint, brown (Texas) Slabs and bifaces to 1.5" 400 48 hr drying time
San Angelo Flint, banded tan and brown (Texas) Slabs and bifaces to 1" 450-550 48 hr drying time
Sunset Jasper, white to brown to pink (Oregon) Slab <.25" 550
Texas Rootbeer Flint Biface <1.5" 300-350 Translucent, dry 48 hours minimum
Thunderegg agate, clear with pint tint (Oregon) Slab <.25" 500
Note: Temperature ramping is 25 degrees F per hour. Hold at 205 degrees for drying. Then continue to desired temp.