Man, it shows how old you are when you can rememeber a lot of collecting sites now gone Jeez, here are just a few offhand.
Horse Canyon Agate, a huge RV park and subdivision now.
Howardite- he old pink and gold stuff
Alibates Flint. State Park now
Canadian River Plume- pvt ranches
Baker Eggs. if it's still open it's all commercial now. How I used to love digging there.
Big Diggins.. Deming rock club and I've heard they high grade it before others are let in on field trips
Berkeley Hills Thundereggs.. Built over
Old red and white Hornitos Jasper, exhausted
Flora Claim Hornitos Jasper buried? exhausted
Hornitos Cosmos, Strawberry and small orb veins. New home on top of the deposit
Sierra Hornitos brecciated Jasper. Still occasional finds but main pit exhausted and what's left under claim
As mantioned above Indian paint Rock is now in Seath Valley Park
Edison Palm Root Under a college
Youngite gone as far as i know.
Dryhead Agate.. pvt rch closed. Man that was an awesome dig site!
Dulcote Agate from Great britain
Austin Blue Agate. was always rare? if any left
Union Rd Agate. Missouri.. uptown now
Needles Blue.. again always has been scarce?
Paisley Plume from SE CA exhausted
Owlhead Mtns/ Owl Hole Plume and sagenite unsure if accessible due to increased size of Death Vally Park
Nipomo Marcasire and sagenite, CA. Mostly private less ya trespass
Pope Valley Poppy Jasper.. all pvt ranches
Lead Pipe Springs T-eggs. military Reservation
Hog Canyon Jasper. Near Parkfield. pvt Ranch
Stone Canyon jasper from the JV ranch at Parkfield. The Varrians let some of us in for a fee once but i think it's closed now.
Bicycle Lake Plume- military reservation
Santa Cruz Island Plume. park, closed
California Tiger eye..mine closed
Webb Rch poppy.. Had a ranch near there 14 years and never found a local who knows where it is
Mulligan peak Agate, AZ.. beautiful but access??? questionable
Merlinite. psilomelane plume from AZ
Rose Jasper and Spiderweb jasper from Heppner, Ore?
Rose Agate from Ludlow, CA...gone as well as some incredibly weird moss/plume from there
Carey Plume, OR
Summit Prarie and Eagle Rock Plume, OR?
Woodward Ranch Plume etc but there are similar areas open
Palm sites near Choke Canyon in Texas.. Don't know of any fee sites still open
Oaxaca Travertine/Ocean wave Dolomite in Mexico. Heard Chinese have the claim
Layton Rch Rose Agate, Okla...closed or worked out?
Snake River dendritic, Idaho???
Probably lots more that don't come to mind too. *sigh*