Cave Dweller
Member since October 2012
Posts: 36,618
Post by jamesp on Aug 10, 2022 3:48:09 GMT -5
To get your feet planted on the ground suggest focus/start with the following subject in either version as they are tied together mohs. New or Old, both sections discuss heavily the chosen ones and their country both historically and futuristically. The chosen ones historically have been just as barbaric as any native tribe. As predicted in new/old they have been barbaricized as much any native tribe on earth. And will be again... The chosen ones regathered to their chosen country in 1948 which will be the beginning of the end. Those that threaten or attack the chosen land will be destroyed. Those that assist will be blessed. The US seems to be terminating their assistance and possibly turning on the chosen, beware. It's time to open our eyes as the predictions in the new/old are rapidly coming true at a rate never experienced in history. Ain't got nothing to do with religion or piety. It's all about a plan my friend. The message of salvation comes thru another, guessing you know who he is. I suggest assistance by true(emphasize true) interpreters viewed on youtube. John MacArthur and Barush Korman will get er done in the interpretations, Eric Stakelbeck for current events. Tom Hughes for the more 'possibility of conspiracy minded'. Reminder that both new/old combined are estimated to be 27% about the future be it previously filled or presently unfulfilled. This makes(or should make) the new/old 'get your attention'. There is only one 'deity' that has the gonads to base so much of it's believability on the future.
Cave Dweller
Member since June 2011
Posts: 4,067
Post by gemfeller on Aug 10, 2022 17:38:43 GMT -5
Post by parfive on Aug 18, 2022 14:24:50 GMT -5
The Mound Culture was impressive rmf and more so than most are aware. High intelligence levels does not necessarily leave evidence records behind. Is it intelligent to force slavery and spend time and effort building massive stone pyramids ? Hey, if you don't need a structure why build it ? There are much better ways to pass time and maintain a happy culture. Perhaps the Egyptians learned how to convert the highest percentage of their population to slaves than any civilization on earth. What type of living conditions and society could that produce ? Probably not so good excepting royalty(that has one concerned eye on that massive slave population lol) jamesp What evidence exists proving the Mounds were built by slaves? We now know for sure the Egyptian pyramids were not built by slaves. Much has been published about that. From my research it seems almost nothing is known in detail about the Cahokians. That's also true for the builders of Stonehenge, Avebury and other major sites in the U.K. There appears to have been an annual non-permanent settlement at Stonehenge when people came together for whatever reason (religious, cultural, astronomical, agronomical etc.) to work together building monumental structures willingly. Even the hapless people sacrificed by having their hearts torn out in Aztec and Mayan ceremonies appear to have done so willingly to appease whatever gods they were pledged to. While slavery was common in all those cultures (as it has been from earliest historical times in all cultures around the world), little evidence I've seen confirms it was the modus used in building monumental structures. But new evidence comes to light every year so the big ball of twin unwinds slowly and inexorably. Perhaps slavery is the incorrect word. My cynical Irish nature tells me that people suffered heavily in the torturous process of building those pyramids. I can't believe differently. I have to trust my belief in this case. They may have done it for a God or a king and slavery was not involved, but they were seriously deceived into thinking they were doing the right thing. Somewhat similar to a man believing it is favorable to have his heart torn out for any cause or the citizens of Nazi Germany following Hitler's agenda. The conclusions all ended in great pain. The pyramids do stand to this day as an impressive monument but at what cost. www.archaeology.org/issues/473-2207/features/10601-egypt-wadi-el-jarf-port-papyrior www.archaeology.org/issues/473-2207/features/10601-egypt-wadi-el-jarf-port-papyri?tmpl=component&print=1
Post by mohs on Aug 18, 2022 15:13:37 GMT -5
i think history is cautionary tale of the risks of over breeding there are few people (over estimation) willing to manage all this brute muscle on a cheap dime instead we create technologies to encourage rampant population growth causing even a more of an imminent disaster,,, mostly homo needs to get a lot wiser in this regard butte the brains behind this technology growth waddya they care? they profit gneissly
Post by parfive on Aug 18, 2022 15:45:15 GMT -5
Odometer projected to turn over November 15, Ed . . . 8,000,000,000
Post by mohs on Aug 18, 2022 15:51:03 GMT -5
robby wrote a cool little ditty 4 billion souls ago in 1973