fully equipped rock polisher
Member since January 2019
Posts: 1,578
Post by oldschoolrocker on Nov 16, 2021 22:26:54 GMT -5
Tommy, here are cpl pictures of the prize for this month's contest. Apologies for the delay. It consists of Ohio Flint, Moroccan green jasper, Moroccan jasper/agate( the block @ 10o clock) arizona petrified wood, holt canyon agate, thunder egg, Rio grande agate and unknown agate. Space left in box filled with San Jacinto river gravel. It may take bit of fanagling but should be able to slice everything w/ a basic tile saw. But will work something out if winner needs smaller pieces. Good luck!
Post by roy on Nov 17, 2021 14:17:10 GMT -5
I think this is the earliest I've submitted an entry for any of the challenges! LOL Teepee Canyon Agate with a VERY large druzy pocket...so big, I'm not sure if the druzy is more than 50% of the entire cabochon! LOL dang thats killer Rough Slab: Preform: Front View: Side View: Backside of Cab:
Post by rockpickerforever on Nov 17, 2021 14:36:45 GMT -5
I think this is the earliest I've submitted an entry for any of the challenges! LOL Teepee Canyon Agate with a VERY large druzy pocket...so big, I'm not sure if the druzy is more than 50% of the entire cabochon! LOL Front View: Don't know how I missed this until now. Great work, Jason! The material and execution of the cab are superb! Fits the definition of a cab to a "T"! Can't believe how quickly you went from rock Novice to Cabmaster!
Post by miket on Nov 17, 2021 17:13:19 GMT -5
Post by jasoninsd on Nov 17, 2021 19:03:37 GMT -5
roy - Thanks for the compliment Roy! It really means a lot! rockpickerforever - Thanks Jean! I still feel like a novice sometimes...especially working some newer materials I've been working...but I'm learning a little more with each and every one. miket - That's a great cab my friend! I can't express how much respect I have for what you can accomplish with the Dremel...and the fact you have the eye to create freeforms...something I have SO much trouble doing!
Post by rockpickerforever on Nov 17, 2021 19:09:47 GMT -5
roy - Thanks for the compliment Roy! It really means a lot! rockpickerforever - Thanks Jean! I still feel like a novice sometimes...especially working some newer materials I've been working...but I'm learning a little more with each and every one. miket - That's a great cab my friend! I can't express how much respect I have for what you can accomplish with the Dremel...and the fact you have the eye to create freeforms...something I have SO much trouble doing! In all facets of life, you've got to start at the bottom, and work your way up! You're moving up fast, Jason. You have a gift for being a fast learner. And what miket said, you do have a great eye for composition.
Post by rockpickerforever on Nov 17, 2021 19:15:55 GMT -5
Here's my entry for this month, a Teepee Canyon Agate...not trying to copy Jason I swear! Freeformed, shaped with a Dremel and finished in the vibe. I don't have a picture of the slab so I'm reposting the pic of the freeform. Love this TeePee Canyon, Mike! I understand/comprende/GROK how much work it is making cabs the way you do. As has been said a few times recently, we all do the best with what we have. Great job! You guys are doing your best to make it hard to pick a winner, aren't you?
Post by perkins17 on Nov 17, 2021 19:19:37 GMT -5
Here's my entry for this month, a Teepee Canyon Agate...not trying to copy Jason I swear! Freeformed, shaped with a Dremel and finished in the vibe. I don't have a picture of the slab so I'm reposting the pic of the freeform. Awesome cab! It's impressive that you did it on a Dremel.
Post by miket on Nov 17, 2021 19:47:36 GMT -5
roy - Thanks for the compliment Roy! It really means a lot! rockpickerforever - Thanks Jean! I still feel like a novice sometimes...especially working some newer materials I've been working...but I'm learning a little more with each and every one. miket - That's a great cab my friend! I can't express how much respect I have for what you can accomplish with the Dremel...and the fact you have the eye to create freeforms...something I have SO much trouble doing! Thanks Jason, I appreciate the compliment!
Post by miket on Nov 17, 2021 19:58:55 GMT -5
Here's my entry for this month, a Teepee Canyon Agate...not trying to copy Jason I swear! Freeformed, shaped with a Dremel and finished in the vibe. I don't have a picture of the slab so I'm reposting the pic of the freeform. Love this TeePee Canyon, Mike! I understand/comprende/GROK how much work it is making cabs the way you do. As has been said a few times recently, we all do the best with what we have. Great job! You guys are doing your best to make it hard to pick a winner, aren't you? Thanks Jean! I still find it relaxing to do them the way I do...mostly. Kind of my therapy. 🙂 I have a feeling that we're going to see some fantastic entries this time around!
Post by miket on Nov 17, 2021 19:59:55 GMT -5
Here's my entry for this month, a Teepee Canyon Agate...not trying to copy Jason I swear! Freeformed, shaped with a Dremel and finished in the vibe. I don't have a picture of the slab so I'm reposting the pic of the freeform. Awesome cab! It's impressive that you did it on a Dremel. Thank you , sir, I appreciate it!
Member since January 2013
Posts: 13,011
Post by Tommy on Nov 17, 2021 20:47:02 GMT -5
Tommy, here are cpl pictures of the prize for this month's contest. Apologies for the delay. It consists of Ohio Flint, Moroccan green jasper, Moroccan jasper/agate( the block @ 10o clock) arizona petrified wood, holt canyon agate, thunder egg, Rio grande agate and unknown agate. Space left in box filled with San Jacinto river gravel. It may take bit of fanagling but should be able to slice everything w/ a basic tile saw. But will work something out if winner needs smaller pieces. Good luck! That's an awesome prize, thank you sir!
Post by hummingbirdstones on Nov 18, 2021 22:27:52 GMT -5
Giving this a gentle bump up. It was at the bottom of the 2nd page.
off to a rocking start
Member since November 2021
Posts: 1
Post by rotkitty on Nov 21, 2021 16:48:57 GMT -5
Oh, I didn't understand it once either, but for school and future work it's very important information. My mom found the website www.outlooktransfer.com/ . There's a lot of good information about it there. I advise you to look at it, by the way, it helped me a lot. Mom has been using it for a very long time, as it is very convenient to use.
Post by holajonathan on Nov 25, 2021 11:15:58 GMT -5
Amethyst Sage agate. Sparkles like a drag queen. Cut from lower-right part of this slab:
Post by rockjunquie on Nov 25, 2021 11:27:06 GMT -5
"Sparkles like a drag queen." That's funny and yes it does.
Post by miket on Nov 29, 2021 13:44:04 GMT -5
Bump. Two more days to get entries in. Well, a day and a half.
Post by victor1941 on Nov 30, 2021 18:31:10 GMT -5
Welcome to the November 2021, RTH Cabochon Challenge contest! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to enter the contest regardless of experience or skill level. This contest continues to be just about having fun and challenging ourselves to step outside our comfort zones and learn and grow, while dazzling with our beautiful rock creations. Each month's contest is contained in a single challenge thread and has a theme that serves as the primary criteria for voting. The voting period will consistently occur for seven full days around the start of the following month and the winner will have the opportunity to choose the theme for the contest occurring two months after the contest they won (ie: August winner chooses October theme). During the voting period, all contest submission posts and responses will be hidden from view in order to help insure a level playing field. All original content will be replaced in the thread at the close of voting. November 2021 RTH Cabochon Skills ContestContest Theme:As chosen by our September contest winner oldschoolrocker DRUZY! Contestants are asked to follow the entry requirements and create a cabochon of any shape from natural rock containing some form of druzy. We typically think of druzy as crystals found in the recesses of natural rock but one definition on the internet says "the glittering effect of tiny crystals over top a colorful mineral," so we have left it open to your interpretation as long as your piece represents a natural rock material with crystals present. Contest Period:November 3rd thru 30th at 11:59pm PST Voting Period:Seven days beginning around the first few days of the following month Prize: In addition to the prize below, oldschoolrocker has generously offered up a MFRB box prize for the winner of this month's contest. For sure there will be several pounds of Ohio Flint, Texas petrified wood, and various other materials included. Winner will receive a teeshirt, mug, mask, or RTH sticker pack of their choice from the RTH Store. If anyone ever wants to sponsor this or any contest with a prize box of rocks etc. please let me know. Entry Requirements:Participants may enter one hand-shaped, jewelry ready rock cabochon, consisting of a visible dome on top and a flat backside. Variations on dome heights and girdle styles are permitted and ultimately it's up to the voters to decide if the contest criteria has been met. Entry cabochons must be made entirely by the member, within the contest month and feel free to let us know about the piece including how you shaped and polished it, and what challenges it presented. Please identify the material if you know what it is. Cabochon may have a hole(s) drilled but nothing attached to it. Photo Requirements:Please post between three to five photos including one bright and focused front direct photo that will eventually be cropped to 200px for the voting collage, a photo close to a 90 degree angle showing the elongated side of the cabochon so we can see the dome shape and girdle if applicable, and a photo of what you started with. For size perspective it is helpful to include a photo alongside an object such as a coin or fingers. If you don't have all of the required photos, post what you have and let us know that's all we're getting. No entry has been, or will be excluded based on photos or lack of photos, but history shows that voters do take it into account whether the photos meet the contest requirements when voting. Please no jewelry photos which include the stone after it has been set, wrapped, or had any kind of bail attached. Also, please don't post "glamour" shots that have been clearly manipulated in a photo editor, faded backgrounds, enhanced colors, filters, etc. Back lit photos are permitted in your extra photos but will not be used as your front featured photo. Voting Criteria:Please judge each entry based on the following. 1) How well was the challenge of the contest theme met? 2) How well did the stone meet the contest requirements of a flat back, domed top cabochon? 3) General appearance - keeping in mind that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and many materials are difficult to work with and an exceptional creation might not be flashy and bright. 4) Photography - is there a direct and focused front shot, and a direct and focused side shot showing girdle and dome for voting purposes? If a tie vote occurs, a new voting poll will be launched for the period of one day and will include only the stones that were tied for the lead. Community participation:As always on the forum, polite and respectful dialog and encouragement is very welcome in the form of 'likes' and comments. Advice or direction from the community is welcome only if the contestant has requested it. Members are welcome to enter work-in-progress photos but if the final photos are not added before the conclusion of the contest, the piece can't be included in the voting. Thank you to everyone who participates by entering and or commenting and encouraging others. We sincerely appreciate all the comments and feedback we get and want to continue to improve the contest as we go so keep 'em coming! This is my entry for the DRUZY contest. If this stone does not meet the entry requirements with curve and girdle I do have a second stone that could be entered. This stone was cut so druzy went from edge to edge.
Post by MsAli on Nov 30, 2021 19:35:27 GMT -5
Oh wow that's a doozy druzy! Beautiful and as far as I'm concerned it's a contender
Post by hummingbirdstones on Nov 30, 2021 19:56:04 GMT -5
victor1941 is that Cheetah Jasper with Apatite druzy? It's gorgeous!